ICANN Contractual Compliance Performance Reports

Complaint Count by TLD Round & Region

Complaints by TLD Round & Region August 2019 - August 2020

TLD Round Africa Asia/Australia/Pacific Europe Latin America/Caribbean North America Unknown* Total
Grand Total524850328622010891210221401

2000-round: TLD grouping consisting of the following TLDs: aero; biz; coop; info; museum; name; pro, 2004-round: TLD grouping consisting of the following TLDs: asia; cat; jobs; mobi; tel; travel; xxx; post, 2012-round: see most recent information on the ICANN Registry Listing, pre-icann: TLD grouping consisting of the following TLDs: com; edu; gov; int; mil; net; org

unknown: Not all complaints are TLD or Region specific.

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