ICANN Contractual Compliance Metrics May 2021 to April 2022

Registrar Obligations: Abuse Complaint Type Detail

The chart below provides details concerning the complaints submitted to ICANN Contractual Compliance under Section 3.18 of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement. This chart includes the number of complaints received and the type of abusive activity allegedly associated with the domain name(s) subject to the complaint (the “Complaint Categories”). The complaint categories are selected by the complainant with the submission and are not determined by ICANN Contractual Compliance. One single complaint can include more than one complaint category (e.g., one abuse complaint that involves a domain name that is allegedly used for phishing and to support a botnet infrastructure may result in two complaint categories). Therefore, the sum of all selected complaint categories will not necessarily equal the total number of abuse complaints received within the month. Where the alleged abusive activity does not correspond to any of the specific complaint categories in the chart, the complainant may select the option “Other” (e.g., complaints involving alleged illegal or offensive website content).

MAY 21 JUN 21 JUL 21 AUG 21 SEP 21 OCT 21 NOV 21 DEC 21 JAN 22 FEB 22 MAR 22 APR 22 Average
Received Abuse Complaints281309249284295286294278273307353251288
Complaint Categories
Pharming, phishing109133105110119130127131105153129135124
Malware, botnet32393029314436404449342736
Fraudulent, deceptive practices163180158179174174180168148170167138167
Trademark or copyright infringement92117739210311511610310711316891108
Abuse contact / procedures information44475246655349524557345250

Registrar Abuse Complaint Type Detail for Invalid/Out-of-scope Closed Complaints vs. Complaints sent to Registrars

The chart below provides details concerning invalid complaints received and closed under Section 3.18 of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement during the reporting period, as well as those closed after obtaining evidence of compliance from the relevant registrar. The chart breaks down these closed complaints by complaint category. The complaint categories are selected by the complainant with the submission and are not determined by ICANN Contractual Compliance. One single complaint can include more than one complaint category (e.g., one abuse complaint involving one domain name that is allegedly used for phishing and to support a botnet infrastructure may result in two complaint categories). Therefore, the sum of all selected complaint categories will not necessarily equal the total number of abuse complaints received within the month. Where the alleged abusive activity does not correspond to any of the specific complaint categories in the chart, the complainant may select the option “Other” (e.g., complaints involving alleged illegal or offensive website content). ICANN Contractual Compliance does not review the validity of the reported activity (e.g., whether the domain name is, in fact, being used to conduct the reported activity botnet, phishing, etc.). Rather, ICANN Contractual Compliance validates whether the complaint itself falls within ICANN’s contractual scope to address and if so, whether the registrar complied with its obligations under 3.18 of the RAA.

MAY 21 JUN 21 JUL 21 AUG 21 SEP 21 OCT 21 NOV 21 DEC 21 JAN 22 FEB 22 MAR 22 APR 22 Average %
Closed Abuse Complaints253404574519346309276213324309367289349100%
Closed as Invalid24137554045227025523419026726630522330286%
Sent to Registrar1233346776544223574362664714%
By Complaint Category
Pharming, phishing
Closed as Invalid911562371741081141099211312911012613088%
Sent to Registrar414112628201111211728291812%
Malware, botnet
Closed as Invalid2749765033363924465032274195%
Sent to Registrar-3-33123543225%
Closed as Invalid598612310377636052575763587292%
Sent to Registrar13261171110661268%
Closed as Invalid26421005846464331403645284588%
Sent to Registrar25411885273136612%
Fraudulent, deceptive practices
Closed as Invalid14022131528616815914911015613815612217788%
Sent to Registrar817143840251811332237292412%
Closed as Invalid4173325287249161114101781%
Sent to Registrar-131567813113419%
Trademark or copyright infringement
Closed as Invalid85104190133101949562100951368710784%
Sent to Registrar915112535191910261930312116%
Abuse contact / procedures information
Closed as Invalid4875828160574636495438435693%
Sent to Registrar1567942-237247%
Closed as Invalid45741229758534631475250325988%
Sent to Registrar146141211103124413812%