ICANN Contractual Compliance Metrics May 2021 to April 2022

Registrar Reporter Type Detail for Top Five Complaint Types Received

The chart below lists the types of complainants (Reporter Type) who submitted the top-five complaint types by volume against registrars. The Reporter Type refers to the capacity in which the complainant submitted the complaint (e.g., Law Enforcement Agency (LEA), Registrant of the domain name subject to the complaint, Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and the Uniform Rapid Suspension (UDRP/URS) provider, etc.) The Reporter Type is selected at the time of submission by the complainant from a drop-down list within the complaint form – it is not determined by ICANN Contractual Compliance. Complaints resulting from ICANN’s own monitoring of compliance with the relevant contractual obligations will indicate “ICANN Compliance” as the Reporter Type.

Registrar Complaint Type Reporter Type MAY 21 JUN 21 JUL 21 AUG 21 SEP 21 OCT 21 NOV 21 DEC 21 JAN 22 FEB 22 MAR 22 APR 22
AbuseAuthorized Representative of Registrant133019142113292218262921
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection252113191526242735309812
LEA, Consumer Protection, Government or Data Protection Agency14998169151113161216
Non-Governmental Organization192417242120202915242612
Registrant - Current202013161632172114141714
Registrant - Former1071313101311410739
Registry Operator-1--1--1-1--
Information Security Researcher504644385743423246423730
UDRP/URS - Complainant123165434113
UDRP/URS - Provider----11-1----
UDRP/URS - Respondent-2-21112-2--
Domain Renewal/RedemptionAuthorized Representative of Registrant25957484866119
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection1---1-------
Non-Governmental Organization11-1--11--11
Registrant - Current713840452632272423282829
Registrant - Former282219112314181717201120
Information Security Researcher---1----1---
UDRP/URS - Respondent-------1----
Registrar Data EscrowICANN Compliance45421863117643986162391218378206
Registration Data InaccuracyICANN Compliance---1--------
Authorized Representative of Registrant423-1-321413
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection385108261112105103
LEA, Consumer Protection, Government or Data Protection Agency-1--11111---
Non-Governmental Organization21---2214212
Registrant - Current6791186836-211
Registrant - Former8137437352-5
Information Security Researcher875237839532
UDRP/URS - Complainant1-----1-----
UDRP/URS - Provider-11--2------
UDRP/URS - Respondent1-----------
TransferICANN Compliance-------1----
Authorized Representative of Registrant2013539261924112116151918
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection21-1-1--111-
LEA, Consumer Protection, Government or Data Protection Agency-1----------
Non-Governmental Organization14--42--11111
Registrant - Current9471713441351339410692979610684
Registrant - Former662918182125241619171115
Registry Operator121--------1
Information Security Researcher----1-111---
UDRP/URS - Complainant7234313----3
UDRP/URS - Provider112---1-----
UDRP/URS - Respondent1-----------
REGISTRAR Total1948808105570781211227587336341799975740

Registry Reporter Type Detail for Top Five Complaint Types Received

The chart below lists the types of complainants (Reporter Type) who submitted the top-five complaint types against registry operators. The Reporter Type refers to the capacity in which the complainant submitted the complaint (e.g., Law Enforcement Agency (LEA), Registrant of the domain name subject to the complaint, UDRP/URS Provider, etc.) The Reporter Type is selected at the time of submission by the complainant from a drop-down list within the complaint form – it is not determined by ICANN Contractual Compliance. Complaints resulting from ICANN’s own monitoring of compliance with the relevant contractual obligations will indicate “ICANN Compliance” as the Reporter Type.

Registry Complaint Type Reporter Type MAY 21 JUN 21 JUL 21 AUG 21 SEP 21 OCT 21 NOV 21 DEC 21 JAN 22 FEB 22 MAR 22 APR 22
Abuse Contact DataAuthorized Representative of Registrant-1----------
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection2---16-----1-
LEA, Consumer Protection, Government or Data Protection Agency2-----1-1---
Registrant - Current--------2--1
Registrant - Former---2--------
Information Security Researcher-1-2---1----
UDRP/URS - Complainant1--1--------
Code of ConductAuthorized Representative of Registrant1---------1-
Non-Governmental Organization1-------1---
Registrant - Current1-212--1--81
Registrant - Former-----------1
Information Security Researcher---1-1------
UDRP/URS - Complainant------1-----
Generic RegistryAuthorized Representative of Registrant--1---2-----
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection---1--------
LEA, Consumer Protection, Government or Data Protection Agency---------1--
Non-Governmental Organization11-------1--
Registrant - Current212--12---11
Registrant - Former1---111-----
Information Security Researcher--1---1-1---
Registry Data EscrowICANN Compliance452083514317-25146368239
Zone File AccessAuthorized Representative of Registrant-1----------
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection------26-276-
Non-Governmental Organization-------3-1-1
Information Security Researcher3910435332428382747501934
UDRP/URS - Complainant---1--------
REGISTRY Total1131421351019567866478131121280