ICANN Contractual Compliance Metrics July 2021 to June 2022

Top Five Registrar and Registry Complaints by Volume

Registrar JUL 21 AUG 21 SEP 21 OCT 21 NOV 21 DEC 21 JAN 22 FEB 22 MAR 22 APR 22 MAY 22 JUL 22 % of Total Received
Top 5 Complaint Types*
Registrar Data Escrow186311764398616239121837820612470229%
Registration Data Inaccuracy1081169617715079126653679949610%
Domain Renewal/Redemption6671566158555061586453596%

* Top Five Complaint Types make up at least 88% of Received Complaints

Registry JUL 21 AUG 21 SEP 21 OCT 21 NOV 21 DEC 21 JAN 22 FEB 22 MAR 22 APR 22 MAY 22 JUL 22 % of Total Received
Top 5 Complaint Types*
Registry Data Escrow83514317025146368239343451%
Zone File Access36392839693250593635311435%
Abuse Contact Data87184526443425%
Code of Conduct33443540122023%
Generic Registry5123904511653%

* Top Five Complaint Types make up at least 90% of Received Complaints

Explanations of Obligations Addressed within each Complaint Type (and source of obligation):

Transfer: Registrar requirements related to the transferring of domain names from one registrar to another, and to modifying Registrant information (Transfer Policy)

Abuse: Registrar obligations to investigate and respond to abuse reports, maintain abuse reports records and provide them to ICANN, and publish abuse contacts and description of abuse procedures on the registrar's website (Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) Section 3.18))

Registration Data Inaccuracy: Registrar requirements to take reasonable steps to investigate and correct claimed Whois inaccuracies (RAA Section 3.7.8) and comply with validation/verification requirements (RAA Whois Accuracy Program Specification (“WAPS”))

Domain Renewal/Redemption: Registrar requirements related to the renewal/redemption of domain names, providing notice to registrants regarding domain name expirations, and providing domain renewal information on the registrar's website and in its registration agreement (Expired Registration Recovery Policy and Expired Domain Deletion Policy)

Registrar Data Escrow: Registrar requirement to escrow generic top-level domain (gTLD) registration data on a schedule, under the terms, and in a format specified by ICANN (RAA Section 3.6)

Registry Data Escrow: Registry requirement to comply with the registry data escrow procedures (Registry Agreement (RA) Section 2.3 and Specification 2)

Zone File Access: Registry requirement to provide third-party zone file access (RA Specification 4, Section 2.1)

Abuse Contact Data: Registry requirement to publish on its website abuse contact details, including a valid email, mailing address, and primary contact for handling inquiries related to malicious conduct in the top-level domain (TLD) (RA Specification 6, Section 4.1)

Generic Registry: Any registry requirement in the relevant RA or Consensus Policy with no dedicated complaint form. A requirement will not have a dedicated complaint form if, historically, the number of complaints received pertaining to the requirement has been very low (sometimes non-existent).

Code of Conduct: Registry requirement to abide by the Code of Conduct established in their RA which includes conducting internal reviews at least once per calendar year to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct (Specification 9).