ICANN Contractual Compliance Metrics June 2022 to May 2023

Registrar Obligations: Overview of Activity Across All Complaint Types

JUN 22 JUL 22 AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23
Total Complaints Received139985422248261132738886920895123412161405
Closed Out of Scope66910771162576605544341160767510819301289
Informal Notices
Volume 1st Inquiry/Notice Sent200246314159133162105225153219207229
Volume 2nd Inquiry/Notice Sent313175552337134336513928
Volume 3rd Inquiry/Notice Sent111415311971014181211
Escalated Notice1---121-1--2
Total Informal Notices243291404217168210126278204288258270
Formal Notices
Volume Breach-----1-----1
Volume Suspension1-----------
Volume Termination3-----------
Volume Contract Non-Renewal------------
Total Formal Notices4----1-----1

Registry Obligations: Overview of Activity Across All Complaint Types

JUN 22 JUL 22 AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23
Total Complaints Received60931266786611243616961437149
Closed Out of Scope3545541613830910650456785
Informal Notices
Volume 1st Inquiry/Notice Sent43154723933262332427882
Volume 2nd Inquiry/Notice Sent155168225-12410-18
Volume 3rd Inquiry/Notice Sent331589----25
Escalated Notice-41-21121538-
Total Informal Notices61166905265412446472248105
Formal Notices
Volume Breach------------
Volume Termination------------
Volume Contract Non-Renewal------------
Total Formal Notices------------

For an explanation of Informal and Formal Notices, see item 39 here.

The Compliance Process Volume - The Compliance Process Volume - This is based on the Informal (1-2-3 Notifications) and the Formal (Breach, Suspension (Registrars only), Non-Renewal or Termination) processes. The volume is the number of complaints in each cycle. Please note, complaints closed in a reporting period can exceed complaints received, such as following a surge of complaints received in one month and closed in a later month.