ICANN Contractual Compliance Metrics August 2022 to July 2023

Registrar Obligations: Abuse Complaint Type Detail

The chart below provides details concerning the complaints submitted to ICANN Contractual Compliance under Section 3.18 of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement. This chart includes the number of complaints received and the type of abusive activity allegedly associated with the domain name(s) subject to the complaint (the “Complaint Categories”). The complaint categories are selected by the complainant with the submission and are not determined by ICANN Contractual Compliance. One single complaint can include more than one complaint category (e.g., one abuse complaint that involves a domain name that is allegedly used for phishing and to support a botnet infrastructure may result in two complaint categories). Therefore, the sum of all selected complaint categories will not necessarily equal the total number of abuse complaints received within the month. Where the alleged abusive activity does not correspond to any of the specific complaint categories in the chart, the complainant may select the option “Other” (e.g., complaints involving alleged illegal or offensive website content).

AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 JUN 23 JUL 23 Average
Received Abuse Complaints355344346300372445412676571439372432422
Complaint Categories
Pharming, phishing158154155163172219194444372226177232222
Malware, botnet393440363773691008465444756
Fraudulent, deceptive practices205188165186201269242328291277223289239
Trademark or copyright infringement141114113123128163164204193173154161153
Abuse contact / procedures information4653304350768912110687649772

Registrar Abuse Complaint Type Detail for Invalid/Out-of-scope Closed Complaints vs. Complaints sent to Registrars

The chart below provides details concerning invalid complaints received and closed under Section 3.18 of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement during the reporting period, as well as those closed after obtaining evidence of compliance from the relevant registrar. The chart breaks down these closed complaints by complaint category. The complaint categories are selected by the complainant with the submission and are not determined by ICANN Contractual Compliance. One single complaint can include more than one complaint category (e.g., one abuse complaint involving one domain name that is allegedly used for phishing and to support a botnet infrastructure may result in two complaint categories). Therefore, the sum of all selected complaint categories will not necessarily equal the total number of abuse complaints received within the month. Where the alleged abusive activity does not correspond to any of the specific complaint categories in the chart, the complainant may select the option “Other” (e.g., complaints involving alleged illegal or offensive website content). ICANN Contractual Compliance does not review the validity of the reported activity (e.g., whether the domain name is, in fact, being used to conduct the reported activity botnet, phishing, etc.). Rather, ICANN Contractual Compliance validates whether the complaint itself falls within ICANN’s contractual scope to address and if so, whether the registrar complied with its obligations under 3.18 of the RAA.

AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 JUN 23 JUL 23 Average %
Closed Abuse Complaints371337378276191575394673551461365518424100%
Closed as Invalid29128231021513749133558747438330944635584%
Sent to Registrar8055686154845986777856726916%
By Complaint Category
Pharming, phishing
Closed as Invalid1291121301097121914037330519014126018282%
Sent to Registrar4832333535573254364529494018%
Malware, botnet
Closed as Invalid38293934137559625649421185193%
Sent to Registrar41561834233447%
Closed as Invalid66791046127122118307217778315711894%
Sent to Registrar8267611131231361086%
Closed as Invalid37364132259358766756481606187%
Sent to Registrar1388810931449813913%
Fraudulent, deceptive practices
Closed as Invalid1721491621438930020925022523719432420586%
Sent to Registrar3828362525341747424133363414%
Closed as Invalid9411753647432632321373291%
Sent to Registrar10-152324323239%
Trademark or copyright infringement
Closed as Invalid1168898825717712613813913912021912582%
Sent to Registrar3225292220321635293523332818%
Abuse contact / procedures information
Closed as Invalid45503434258372827866641766797%
Sent to Registrar-2324212235123%
Closed as Invalid4938494310936279685559825790%
Sent to Registrar386483596656610%