ICANN Contractual Compliance Metrics August 2022 to July 2023

Registrar Reporter Type Detail for Top Five Complaint Types Received

The chart below lists the types of complainants (Reporter Type) who submitted the top-five complaint types by volume against registrars. The Reporter Type refers to the capacity in which the complainant submitted the complaint (e.g., Law Enforcement Agency (LEA), Registrant of the domain name subject to the complaint, Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy and the Uniform Rapid Suspension (UDRP/URS) provider, etc.) The Reporter Type is selected at the time of submission by the complainant from a drop-down list within the complaint form – it is not determined by ICANN Contractual Compliance. Complaints resulting from ICANN’s own monitoring of compliance with the relevant contractual obligations will indicate “ICANN Compliance” as the Reporter Type.

Registrar Complaint Type Reporter Type AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 JUN 23 JUL 23
Information Security Researcher47615651751027881839059109
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection352124303239333945303139
Registrant - Current292125292224143833322740
Authorized Representative of Registrant253124272938314521231920
Non-Governmental Organization402017211715343038332327
LEA, Consumer Protection, Government or Data Protection Agency21171991519132623332022
Registrant - Former71241391113121011912
UDRP/URS - Complainant21232-4171-7
UDRP/URS - Respondent1------21-11
Registry Operator--1-11-12---
UDRP/URS - Provider1--1-------2
Domain Renewal/RedemptionRegistrant - Current242221202336313740293933
Registrant - Former1712811111415168231910
Authorized Representative of Registrant7108741361384107
Non-Governmental Organization1---1----2--
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection1--------1--
LEA, Consumer Protection, Government or Data Protection Agency-1---------1
Information Security Researcher----1-------
Registrar Data EscrowICANN Compliance13971314781242218892112186598582165
Registration Data InaccuracyOther19040431615456470115661116
Registrant - Current5139666166471612
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection3119103788124104
Information Security Researcher844258355225
Authorized Representative of Registrant24-313462322
Registrant - Former123463114132
Non-Governmental Organization3-41--124---
UDRP/URS - Complainant--1--1---2-1
LEA, Consumer Protection, Government or Data Protection Agency---1----111-
UDRP/URS - Provider---------1-1
TransferRegistrant - Current639563887262859068758784
Registrant - Former102816201715131724191913
Authorized Representative of Registrant24181117821231715141725
UDRP/URS - Complainant22-412---121
Non-Governmental Organization-111-1--2---
Information Security Researcher-1-11-----1-
Registry Operator---1-----1--
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection---1-----1--
UDRP/URS - Respondent-1----------
UDRP/URS - Provider-----1------
REGISTRAR Total212774910466597837907911108108713071211821

Registry Reporter Type Detail for Top Five Complaint Types Received

The chart below lists the types of complainants (Reporter Type) who submitted the top-five complaint types against registry operators. The Reporter Type refers to the capacity in which the complainant submitted the complaint (e.g., Law Enforcement Agency (LEA), Registrant of the domain name subject to the complaint, UDRP/URS Provider, etc.) The Reporter Type is selected at the time of submission by the complainant from a drop-down list within the complaint form – it is not determined by ICANN Contractual Compliance. Complaints resulting from ICANN’s own monitoring of compliance with the relevant contractual obligations will indicate “ICANN Compliance” as the Reporter Type.

Registry Complaint Type Reporter Type AUG 22 SEP 22 OCT 22 NOV 22 DEC 22 JAN 23 FEB 23 MAR 23 APR 23 MAY 23 JUN 23 JUL 23
Abuse Contact DataOther322132351213
Information Security Researcher3-1-1------1
Registrant - Current----11-1---1
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection--11-----2--
LEA, Consumer Protection, Government or Data Protection Agency------1-11--
Registrant - Former-1-------1--
Authorized Representative of Registrant--------11--
Non-Governmental Organization--------1---
UDRP/URS - Respondent----------1-
UDRP/URS - Complainant---------1--
Code of ConductRegistrant - Current11-21--2211-
Information Security Researcher-1--1--1--11
Registrant - Former1---11------
Non-Governmental Organization----------1-
Generic RegistryRegistrant - Current2-21-422-24-
Registrant - Former------1--3-1
Authorized Representative of Registrant1--1---2-1--
Non-Governmental Organization--------1-11
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection----------2-
UDRP/URS - Provider--1---------
Information Security Researcher-----------1
Registry Data EscrowICANN Compliance1182193254101836124111114324
Zone File AccessInformation Security Researcher67342331825161012142011
IP Lawyer/Brand Protection--13-1---2-1
Non-Governmental Organization-----1-----1
Registrant - Current-----------1
Authorized Representative of Registrant--------1---
Registrant - Former------1-----
REGISTRY Total12626565107395867384351478155